Reduce Allergies Against Cats - Allergies occur when the immune system of the body to foreign body overreacts. Allergies to cats are very common. Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates that 10 million people in America are allergic to cats. There is no known cure for allergies, but the management of allergy medications and lifestyle changes to minimize the symptoms.
How to Reduce Allergies Against Cats
Take over-the-counter allergy medications to reduce allergy symptoms. If over-the-counter medications are not effective, visit allergy doctor for stronger prescription medications.
Replace carpet with tile or wood flooring, as it is difficult to fully remove cat dander and fur from carpet. Mop tile and hardwood flooring regularly to keep cat dander to minimum. If you must keep carpet, invest in good vacuum with HEPA filter to maximize allergen removal from carpet.
Use air purification unit in your home to remove airborne allergens.
Encase your pillows and mattress with plastic covers to prevent allergens from becoming embedded in your sleeping surfaces.
Wash your cat once month in warm tap water. Do not use any soap. study conducted by University of Virginia Asthma and Allergic Diseases Center in Charlottesville found that washing your cat monthly in warm water reduces dander by up to 79 percent. Do not wash your cat more than once month. Excessive washing leads to skin dryness and irritation in cats, which could also lead to production of excessive amounts of dander.
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