Recognize Mold Allergy Symptoms - mold allergies are some of the most common allergies that affect people. Mold is present in the air in the form of microscopic particles that are inhaled into the lungs, causing. Irritation of the sinuses and respiratory system Surprisingly common mold particles in the air like pollen particles and then mold allergies are so common.
How to Recognize Mold Allergy Symptoms
Pay attention to your sinuses. initial and most common symptoms of mold allergies manifest themselves in sinuses. primary symptoms are runny nose, irritation in eyes--causing itching--and persistent cough.
Recognize sinus headache as symptom of mold allergies. If you suddenly develop sinus headache and this is something new to you, then you may be experiencing symptoms of mold allergy.
Look for skin rash or similar irritation on your body. For many people, skin will react when it comes in contact with mold. symptoms will be very similar to those experienced by people with pet allergies when they accidentally touch cat or dog.
Take deep breath. more intense mold allergy, more it will affect lungs and total respiratory system. Mold allergy sufferers may experience shortness of breath and difficulty breathing properly.
Make list of all your symptoms. This will help you recognize mold allergy and help you be prepared to talk to your doctor. symptoms of mold allergy are so close to those of pollen allergies that two are often confused, making it difficult to undertake effective treatment plan. longer your condition goes undiagnosed and untreated greater risks to your health.
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allergy testing